Product Detail
  • Pork Belly 700g
  • Salt (2 1/2 teaspoons)
  • Sugar (2 1/2 teaspoons)
  • Five-spice Powder (1/2 teaspoon)
  • Pepper (1/2 teaspoon)
  1. Steam the pork belly (Choose "Sauna" mode, set the time to 8 mins)
  2.  Poke holes in the skin with a fork
  3. Evenly score the surface of the pork belly
  4. Mix all the seasonings together and sprinkle it into the meat crevices and on the surface
  5. Rub evenly
  6. Add a small amount of vinegar on the skin and spread evenly
  7. Add some salt on the skin and spread evenly
  8. Place the pork belly skin side down into the frying pan and fry (Use "Sauna" mode, set the power to 1000W and set the time to 40 mins)
  9. Take it out and scrape off the salt
  10. Place it in the frying pan again with skin side down and fry (Use "Sauna" mode, set the power to 1000W and set the time to 15 mins)
  11. Flip it over in the last 4 mins and fry
  12. Take it out and cut into strips along the score marks and chop into small pieces
  • 五花肉 700克
  • 盐 (2茶匙半)
  • 糖 (1茶匙半)
  • 五香粉 (半茶匙)
  • 胡椒粉 (半茶匙)
  1.  蒸五花肉 (Sauna模式,将时间调至8分钟)
  2. 用叉在猪皮上戳孔
  3. 平均的在猪瘦肉上切几刀一边入味
  4. 将所有调味料混合在一起然后均匀的撒在肉上和缝隙里
  5. 揉搓均匀
  6. 在猪皮上倒一点醋后抹均匀
  7. 在猪皮上加一点盐然后铺均匀
  8. 将猪皮朝下放到煎锅里煎 (Sauna模式,将功率调至1000W,时间调至40分钟)
  9. 将五花肉取出来然后刮掉上面的盐
  10. 再将五花肉皮朝下放到煎锅里煎Sauna模式,将功率调至1000W,时间调至15分钟)
  11. 在最后4分钟将肉反过来煎
  12. 拿出来跟着划痕切后再将他切小块就可以了