Product Detail
  • Low-gluten flour - 170g
  • Peanut butter - 80g
  • Sugar - 30g
  • Oil - 50g
  • Baking powder - ½ teaspoon
  • Salt - ½ teaspoon
  1. Mix all the ingredients evenly until they form a dough.
  2. Take a small portion of dough, approximately 6 grams and shape it into a round ball.
  3. Arrange the small balls on the AF frying plate, then gently press each one with your index finger to flatten and shape them into rounds.
  4. Insert a round chopstick into the center of each dough ball to create a small circle shape.
  5. Brush a layer of egg wash over the cookie doughs.(Egg yolk and 1 teaspoon water mix)
  6. Select the Bread function to cook.
  7. Once cooked, let it cool, then store in an airtight jar and enjoy.
  • 低筋面粉-170g
  • 花生酱-80g
  • 糖-30g
  • 清油-50g
  • 泡打粉-半茶匙
  • 盐-半茶匙
  1. 所有食材搅拌均匀,搅拌直到变成油面团.
  2. 手抓小团(约6克),戳成小圆团.
  3. 把小圆团排列在AF炸板上,每粒用食指稍微按压一下,呈现圆扁型.
  4. 用圆快子在面团的中心插一下,呈现有小圈的形状
  5. 涂上一层上色的蛋液(鸡蛋黄-1粒和清水-1茶匙混合)
  6. 按(面包功能)就可以了
  7. 完成,开盖摊凉,装密封罐享用